dada bar 八月 Beatmakers 邀请孟奇

官方新闻稿 发布于2014-07-27 暂无评论



除此以外,我们还会有Beat Makers的老环节,DJ台会开放给大家播放自己制作的音乐,并就音乐展开广泛交流。

  • 时间:2014年8月2日下午3点半-7点
  • 地点:dada bar 鼓楼东大街206号B栋101

For the August edition of Beatmakers, we've invited seminal Beijing electronic musician Meng Qi. Aside from producing music, Meng Qi is a highly respected builder of synthesizers, a qualified MaxMSP engineer, and a university lecturer.

He's produced releases such as "Shanshuilian" and "Shanshuichan", and his handcrafted instruments and equipment are used by many of Beijing's most popular electronic musicians. His series of educational articles on modular synthesizers  - published on China's largest electronic music production forum Midifan - has proven hugely popular with China's burgeoning gearhead community.

We've invited Meng Qi to share with us his experience in areas such as music production and synthesizers, and his general outlook on sound.

Besides, we'll continue with the Beatmakers tradition of opening up the DJ booth for local producers to play and discuss their own music.



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